Thursday, April 09, 2009

The bling bling tree

A.K.A. the super gaudy, collaborative project with my kids.

bling bling tree

It's a little topiary made to fit a rectangle spot in the girls' shadow box. It's about 6" tall I'd guess. Originally it was not supposed to be But the kids wanted to help me decorate it, so each one got a side of the flower pot.

All the bling is courtesy of my generous, talented friend Scott. Thank you, Scott. :)
As if all the swarovski wasn't enough, everything is glittered from bird to flower pot. Because there can never be too much sparkle.


Gail said...

Very cute! Love that even Garrett is into the bling!

Michael said...

That *is* a lot of bling! I love the little redbird on top, too. :o)

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Glitterd1 said...

Thank you Gaile, Michael, and Hapi. :)

Hello there! My name is June said...

Awesome project!!! kids would love doing this! Maybe I can come up with a safe preschool version of it for them! I'd be afraid of my little DD running off with the rhinestones!

I just discovered your blog! :o)